whether in the chapel or online, we are a
worshiping community
Worship has been one of the central weekly events for Labyrinth since our founding in 2013. We gather each Sunday evening at 6 p.m. during the school year to make music, meaning, and connections in our sacred space. Everyone is welcome, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
what to expect this semester
What we do in worship:
Most weeks, worship starts with announcements followed by a call to presence. Then we sing a song of gathering and read from the Bible or another text. After that, we’ll hear from one of our ministers or a guest speaker. Then we’ll sing another song before taking some time to reflect on what we’ve heard. Following that, we sing a centering song and move into a time of prayer for each other. We share things we want others to hold in the light in the coming week, then sing a final song of sending before communion and the benediction.
What to know before you come:
- We're casual - wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
- Restrooms are gender neutral, but not easily accessible or very nice.
- There are lots of opportunities for participation in worship, but it's all optional.
- We always walk over to the lounge together for free dinner after worship.
how to get involved
Serve as a liturgist
Each week, the liturgist leads parts of worship such as the Call to Presence, lighting the candle, reading scripture, and leading the Community Prayers. All of the parts are already scripted or can be on request. If you are interested in being a liturgist, let Pastor Shelby or Haley know.
Join the band
Do you love making music? We’d love for you to share your gift with us! Bring your instrument to band practice at 5 p.m. and join Luke in leading our music. (We also have a keyboard and a djembe that you’re welcome to play!)